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Commentaire d'un riverain anglophone: votre plan est un crime.
Your plan is a crime!!!!! Please come and spend one Sunday (or one night any day), in Sterrebeek, with planes overflying your house every minute, starting at 5:30 in the morning, at the altitude of 300 meters.
It is not like Meise, where M.Anciaux lives and where planes cruise high in the sky at half power. The piste 2/20 ends right over residential Sterrebeek, and on take off planes ar flying right over my house very low and at at full power.
Have you ever experienced this? I invite you to my house any Sunday, or any night and I guarantee you will be terrified. Do you have children - please bring them with you and ask them to have a sound healthy sleep within trembling walls.
I understand your problems and I can tolerqte a plane once in a while, even once in every half hour. But launching all planes, every minute or two, on runway 2/20 is A CRIME!!!! This must be illegal, as I dont believe any state or EU can tolerate that level of noise and harassment. This must be against fundamental human rights to health and rest.
Ecrit par Cherche l'info, le Lundi 23 Mai 2005, 17:21 dans la rubrique "Bruit et pollution des avions ".
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